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Showing posts from June, 2017

How to Make Money with Ad Networks

Bloggers love them some ads.  I won’t lie. I’ve made half of my income from ads, but as I’ve said a million times, ads fluctuate and you cannot count on them. Other issues from ads: 1. They slow down your site 2. You have limited control over what is shown 3.  They can be complicated to set up Bloggers also have this belief that giving over control to someone else to manage their ads means that they will make more money. Sometimes this is true. Sometimes it is not. I get it, you have blog posts to create, kids to manage, and dinners to make and you don’t want to check on your ads every 5 minutes.  You need to at least have a rough idea of how to do this. 1. Keep in mind that if you are placing a new ad network on your site, they need at least 30 days to properly target your audience.    They do this by cookie tracking.  This is why your fill might be initially lower in the beginning while they are trying to figure out what your readers are interested in and will click. 2. Some